
LHS Members—and their dogs—are expected to lead by example and follow some simple guidelines in order to ensure continued access to the community field. 

Community Field Hours

School Days - Before 6:30am / After 5:30pm

Weekends & Holidays - Open except for Off Limits Days

As you may have noticed, Lincoln HS Athletics programs have resumed practices and competitions on campus, with some sports running concurrently. Many sports such as football, softball, and track & field have activities directly adjacent to the community field, which poses a safety risk because gates are regularly left open and unattended.

As we continue to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, regular school activities will resume, and there will be many more staff, students, and parents on campus. Please respect the time limits above.

Off Limits Days and School Events

The campus is OFF LIMITS to pets on days when the Lincoln football OR track & field teams are hosting events on the adjacent field. Visitors should also be aware and respectful of upcoming school events as more staff, students, and parents will be on campus.

Here's a calendar of upcoming 2024 Off Limit Days and School Events (updated 2/8/2024):



You can find updated sports schedule information on the Lincoln High School website.

NO alcohol, smoking, vaping, drug use, skateboards, scooters, or other wheeled items are allowed on any school field at any time.

Please contact us to report violations of these guidelines.

Guidelines for Humans

Guidelines for Dogs

3 Strikes & You're Out!

Humans will receive timely and/or immediate warnings upon violations of any of the guidelines above. Upon a 3rd confirmed violation, the human will be asked to leave the field with their pet and not to return until adequate steps have been taken to modify the bad behavior of the human and/or their pet.

Please note that, although the LHS makes every effort to maintain a safe field environment, as a co-operative, we are only guests. The LHS will not be held liable for any injury or loss you experience at the Community Field or campus, or for any grievance which may be filed against you, or for actions by your dog.

* Your presence at the Community Field signifies your complete agreement and acceptance of personal responsibility.